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SQLMail Server

The SQLMail Server is a  service that allows users to interact with ODBC databases through email messages. Users can query, insert, update or delete database records by sending emails to a pre-configured mail server. The SQLMail server checks and processes email messages of interest in certain time interval, and sends responses to requesters.

Here are some very common application scenarios:

bulletAuto Response System:  Your customer may want to check his/her order by simply sending an email to order_info@your_company.com with an order id. The server sends the status of the order as the response. Different from those telephone response systems, the SQLMail responses contain information from databases and are often valuable. The response can be as simple as a stock quote, a list of used car prices,  or as complicated as a mortgage quote that contains many search criteria.
bulletWeb Form Processing: The SQLMail server can be used for processing HTML forms and putting information into database tables. When user submitting a form in a web browser, your web server sends a email message to a special account. The SQLMail server picks up these email messages and adds them into database table automatically. You can host your own database anywhere you want.
bulletData Acquisition: For those who work out in the field collecting data, SQLMail can make the job much easier. Instead of filling in paper forms, they can type in the data in a template and email  to the headquarter. This can be done on any lightweight devices such as handheld PCs, Pads or Smart Phones.
bulletData Replication: You can have multiple SQLMail servers running, one in Europe, for instance,  one in Asia, and another in America. Each connects to the same email account. Any database records sent to the account will be replicated with no additional effort. There is no speed requirement and distance restriction on such a configuration.

Key Features:

bulletLocation Transparent: Both server and clients can be mobile.
bulletDevice Independent: Clients can use any device capable of sending emails to access the service.
bulletClient Software Independent: Client can use any email software on any operating platform.
bulletDatabase Independent: The server can access any ODBC data sources.
bulletSecure : User authentication can be enable and malicious messages can be filtered out through configurable filters.
bulletAutomatic Load Balancing: Since the server is running in asynchronous mode. Low traffic and peak load are smoothed out by the mail server. The mail server acts like a message queue that provides persistent buffering.
bulletConfigurable Business Logic: User can define what to do based on the subject in the email messages. Actions associated with certain messages can contain many SQL commands or triggers.
bulletPowerful Database Engine: The SQLMail server uses the same database engine as the SQLData Enterprise Server. It is the most powerful database engine available and  capable of handling wide ranges of database operations.

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Last modified: July 10, 2010