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ODBC Broker

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The ODBC Broker is a C++ class built on top of ODBC Layer. It encapsulates much of the complexity of the ODBC API and provides a uniform interface to application developers.

The Database broker class is a higher abstraction of a group of classes developed via the raw ODBC APIs. It is capable of handling dynamic query, batch SQL commands, database caching, and runtime binding.

In  application development using ODBC, developers usually define C/C++ variables that match what’s in the database table (static binding). The approach assumes the database tables are defined before the corresponding database classes. There are couple of problems with the approach:

  1. New classes have to be designed when new tables are introduced into the system. There is a lot of redundant development of database classes but  lack of higher abstraction. Such a system grows as the number of database table increases.
  2. Any changes in the database schema (i.e., change the data type or size of a column) lead to modifications of the database classes. This process involves not only  recompiling and re-linking the application, but  also lengthy testing. The system becomes virtually non-maintainable.

The Database Broker is designed to solve such problems. It can processes any ANSI SQL statements supported by the ODBC driver, and perform runtime binding for result sets. Users of the ODBC broker do not need to know the details of the ODBC operation.

Key Features:

bulletDynamic Binding: Columns in database table are bound at runtime.  The class maintains the allocated buffer internally, so there is no allocation and deallocation at the client.
bulletBuild-in Database Connection Manager: The connection manager can caches database connections and reuse them when appropriate.
bulletBatch SQL Processing: Multiple SQL statements can be passed to the ODBC Broker and they are processed as a single transaction.
bulletDynamic SQL Processor: The Broker can process any ANSI SQL commands at runtime as long as the underlying driver supports.
bulletBatch Fetching: The ODBC Broker fetches multiple rows at a time.
bulletHigh Performance: The ODBC Broker uses only ODBC API,  It is the most efficient library in the market.
bulletDistributed Processing: The broker class can directly access databases exported by the SQLData servers over the Internet.


        For software developers, our  User Guide  contains further technical details.

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Copyright 2008-2010 SQLData Systems, Inc.
Last modified: July 10, 2010